Saturday, July 10, 2010


Ladies and Gentlemen, meet "The Bachelorette," a Strangely Exuberant young woman who made the scene at 7th and Montana this morning intent on finding romance. She met a guy (above left) for coffee and the more they got to know each other, the louder she became until I felt sure she was going to break the sound barrier. Her laughter -- which punctuated nearly every sentence -- was enough to send neighborhood dogs running for cover. "WHAT DO YOU DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME?," she asked. "Well," he mumbled, "I play the guitar." "HAHAHAHA," she laughed, inexplicably, "I LOVE THE GUITAR." On and on the conversation went. She screeched and laughed. He mumbled. "Maybe they're on a blind date," said one witness. "I don't know," I replied, "But for his sake, I hope it's a deaf date."


Lynne said...

He got quieter and she got louder. Opposites attract?

Webster said...

He didn't look too happy. But I guess he knows that she is a morning person! And an attention seeker. Oh, and not very self-aware. Good info to get on a coffee first date.

Rose said...

Oh my........I'm a very quiet person in the morning and I like quiet people around me.......I need the java to get my MOJO working not a loud mouth! LOL

Anonymous said...

I can't stand loud people in quiet public places where others are trying to relax. I've noticed that sometimes people who talk loud in these situations just don't understand the difference. I don't think it's intentional, they just don't get it.

Yours truly,
Duct Tape

emikk said...

What's wrong with liking guitar?

Ken Riches said...

Sure must have been a lot of nervousnous to cause that loud laughter.