Thursday, January 21, 2010


It was a Terrible Trifecta this morning at 7th and Montana as the Accountant -- known for spreading out his confidential paperwork all over Our Favorite Starbucks -- expanded his horizons: He took over the handicapped table, turned a blind eye to a Little Old Lady who was looking for space to stow her walker, and put one of his clients on speakerphone ... all at the same time. The client, unaware that she was broadcasting her finances across the espresso bar, went on and on. "Blah, blah blah ... W-2 Forms ... Blah, blah, blah ... tax codes ... Blah, Blah, Blah ... Charitable donations." It was like listening to the teacher in the old Charlie Brown television specials ... and if that's not taxing, I don't know what is!


Sage Ravenwood said...

This guy is seriously creeping me out. I wonder how many clients he would have if they knew the truth. That poor woman probably had no idea she was on speaker phone in a public place. (Hugs)Indigo

Paula said...

Not good, not good al all. How can he even work there? I have to have complete quiet to work on taxes.

Malcolm Bird said...

THis guy should be shut down by the barristers. First of al if he did occupy the disabled table then he should be barred, denying a little old lady, he should be physically kicked out, being an obnoxious prick and doing business on speaker phone, he should have his nuts connected to a car battery!!!!

Ken Riches said...

This type of behavior is only going to escalate, similar to the tax brackets, as April 15th approaches. Hang in there friend.