Monday, February 1, 2010


A new Super-hero made the scene at 7th and Montana this morning and something tells me she's more powerful than Wonder Woman and Batgirl combined. She's "Uber-Mom" and -- for the record -- she worries so you don't have to. I caught up with her giving Barista David some friendly advice. "I like your mode of transportation," she smiled, "But for the love of God, please be careful." David, who commutes to work on a skateboard, took her advice the way he takes everything else: In stride. "You betcha," he said. "I mean it," she continued, "The traffic around here can be crazy." I noticed her glancing at the latest Starbucks propaganda, a brochure entitled "Nutrition by the Cupful," and wondered if she had anything to say about it. Afterall, Uber-Mom knows best ...!


Unknown said...

LOL, she sounds like me :)
Check out the blog when you get a chance: there are pictures with me and one of the wolves.

emikk said...

You are home to more super heroes than the Justice League! The only thing you need to add would be the Fantastic Apple Fritter Four!

Ken Riches said...

Perhaps is she would have worn a helmet when she was younger....

Paula said...

Giving advice propbably makes her feel better just in case anything happens she won't be at fault.