Friday, February 5, 2010


"I think that I shall never see, a poem lovely as a tree ... a tree that may in summer wear a nest of robins in her hair." Those immortal (if not downright sappy) words were written in 1913 by the poet Joyce Kilmer. Our very own Joyce, however, had some more practical words of wisdom today when she heard that the City was tearing down yet another Towering Eucalyptus near Our Favorite Starbucks. "I think they are only removing trees that are diseased or perilously leaning toward a structure," she said, helpfully. I'm sure she's right ... but there's still some Poetic Justice in the situation, nevertheless. The tree-in-question was leaning distinctly towards the home of Ms. Mukluk, the woman known for wearing Eskimo Footwear in 90-degree heat. I, for one, think a nest of robins would look great in her hair. Let's just hope they don't lay any eggs in her Mukluks ...!


Sage Ravenwood said...

Even though I know it was probably for safety reasons, I'm always saddened to see a tree felled. (Hugs)Indigo

Ken Riches said...

Hope the plant at least two replacements.

garnett109 said...

Yep I agree with Indigo

Unknown said...

Hahaha!!! Oh Marty! You even make the mondane seem interesting. I think it would be a very good thing if more people could see the world through your eyes! I'm glad to get a chance view...for a few!