Political Intrigue filled the air at 7th and Montana this morning as Our Favorite City Councilman, Bobby, met with what appeared to be a Special Interest Group. In hushed tones, they discussed a series of potential local building initiatives including -- if I eavesdropped correctly -- the proposed construction of a Mental Research Facility. Councilman Bobby listened intently while his guests appeared to build a case against new construction in an already overpopulated city. For what it's worth, I agree with Bobby's guests. Who needs a Mental Research Facility when we have 7th and Montana ...?!?
We had McCain here yesterday.
From one nut house to another ;-)
Ya know it just kills me how there's always somebody who wants to build something "NEW", when if the money is there for something like that why don't they put it into exsesting programs that will help the very people who are being driven crazy by the prices of health insurence?!...Huh?...Or the people who have no insurence and are the homeless "Crazys" wondering the streets. Put a bow on that one and pass it on to the next one down the "pass the buck" line . Just WHO is John Q. Public anyway?...Hi Marty...I'm back...love and hugs...Kittie
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