Thursday, January 15, 2009


Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Madam Bowser, a local animal lover with a PETA Principle all her own: She delights in talking "baby talk" to strange dogs and sticking her hands in their faces. This morning, Madam Bowser met her match in the form of Susie, a less-than-adorable German Shephard who hangs out at 7th and Montana. "Ooooh," she cooed, reaching for Susie's face, "Look at the cutesy wootsey doggie!" Susie snapped and lunged in what appeared to be an understandable effort to rip out Madam Bowser's vocal chords. Thank God Susie's owner, John, sprang into immediate action to prevent a catastrophe. "Please, don't take it personally," he explained, "Susie is protective and doesn't like people rushing up to her like that." Personally, I think he was wasting his breath. Anyone who would go poking their hands into a strange dog's face -- without even asking whether the dog is friendly -- must be Barking Mad ...!


emikk said...

I would think PETA would have trained her better.

garnett109 said...

The dog was going to give her a bone of his own!

Traci said...

Isn't that the truth. Her mommy never taught her dog manners.

Mike said...

It's so true. Dogs are "people" too. You wouldn't just put your hands in someone's face without them getting pissed.

Sage Ravenwood said...

Oh Good Grief, I get this all the time. There are more of them out there than you realize. Pickles tends to move behind me, so she doesn't get distracted while working, when these idiots make an appearance. I swear they don't take the hint. She can't snap at them it goes against her training. However I do! I've had them, even say oh, it's ok I'm good with dogs, she'll like me.

What part of her vest can't you read, what part of the English language don't you understand the words DON'T PET...sorry that's been a pet peeve of mine lately. (Hugs)Indigo

Amy said...

I HATE when people don't ask if they can pet first. My cocker is not the most friendly dog, either.

Beth said...

"Does your dog bite?"


[pets the dog, gets bitten] "I thought you said your dog doesn't bite!"

"That is not my dog."


Hugs, Beth

Milt said...

I'm happy she didn't get bit! Hopefully she'll be more careful next time!

Ken Riches said...

Stupid Bioch :o) If nothing else, put your hand down for a smell, but never charge right on in. Surprised she still has all of her limbs.

Saltydawg said...

Silly cow, she's lucky to still have a face.

Unknown said...

I don't blame Susie. I would have gone for her throat too.